Matthew Kolosick

Hello! I’m Matthew Kolosick, and I’m a PhD candidate studying programming languages at U.C. San Diego with Ranjit Jhala and Deian Stefan. My current research focuses on finding formal principles and reasoning methods to ensure software security. Previously I was a bachelor’s student at Northeastern University working with Amal Ahmed on compositional compiler correctness. Sometimes I accidentally make things that people use.


You can find me on Twitter and Github. The best way to reach me is by email at


Matthew Kolosick, Basavesh Ammanaghatta Shivakumar, Sunjay Cauligi, Marco Patrignani, Marco Vassena, Ranjit Jhala, and Deian Stefan
PriSC 2023 • Pdf
Matthew Kolosick, Shravan Narayan, Evan Johnson, Conrad Watt, Michael LeMay, Deepak Garg, Ranjit Jhala, and Deian Stefan
POPL 2022 • Pdf Popl arXiv
Anish Tondwalkar, Matthew Kolosick, and Ranjit Jhala
Ecoop 2021 • Pdf Ecoop arXiv